Strategy for good internal communication in large companies
- Joanna Szymyślik
- company, internal communication, strategy
Let’s start with the most important one. Why do we need this internal communication at all? Is it really that necessary?
I have two answers for you – the short answer and the very short answer.
The very short answer is: yes, really internal communication is the foundation of any company. And you can read about it in Simon’s post.
The longer answer is: yes, internal communication is the foundation of any company. It’s not only necessary for its functioning to communicate information, but also internal PR. In fact, there is no company without communication. However, it will not always be conscious and planned internal communication.
Good internal communication
Good communication ensures a quick and wide flow of information. It translates into employee engagement, knowledge and work efficiency. It is also an opportunity to present the company in front of the team. Presenting its goals, strategies. Facilitating the process of implementing changes.
Internal communication
“influences the growth of employee involvement, increases their motivation to work, strengthens identification with the organization and loyalty to the employer”.
writes Ewa Mazur-Wierzbicka, a professor at the University of Szczecin’s Faculty of Economics, in her publication.
“all of which in turn translates into the organization’s pursuit of its business goals.” – we read further.
The more, the… harder
Efficient internal communication is also a challenge, especially in a large company. It’s difficult to organize a weekly meeting for several thousand employees (that would require a lot of coffee and many chairs). It’s even more difficult to have efficient communication for blue-collar workers, such as production workers, who don’t have constant access to a computer with internet.
With this in mind, a mobile application for internal communication was developed. It’s an app, so an employee or worker can simply download it to his or her phone and always have it at hand. Without additional devices. Without unnecessary effort.
Let’s stop here for a moment.
An internal communication app can be helpful, but it is not a panacea for all problems. Even the best tool is only a tool. The foundation on which good communication in a company lies is a good organizational culture. Good, which actually means what kind of culture?
Internal communication and its effectiveness is influenced by the company’s organizational culture itself. Organizational culture is created inside the company and influences the way it operates and the way people employed in the company think. Its parts are shared beliefs, norms and values shared within the organization, expectations or patterns of behavior.
The functions of organizational culture are crucial to the operation of a company, which, after all, is built by people. Their shared vision of the company’s reality allows them to integrate and communicate efficiently. Organizational culture also allows employees to better understand the company’s mission and goals or mitigate internal conflicts.
A good organizational culture that fulfills these functions also affects internal communication. It determines whether this communication is authentic and sincere. This is the most important element shaping a company’s internal communication. It is worth taking care of it first, and only later think about the tool that is to serve this communication.
App – the ideal solution
The strength of the app is that those working in the company are eager to use it. Stop reading for a moment and look at your phone. How many apps do you see there? Well, that’s how many. We have a lot of them because it’s just practical and a good solution. We almost always carry our phone with us. Often even in the bathroom. That’s why the internal communication app is used more readily by employees than the intranet or info kiosks.
I am relatively young and belong to the so-called “generation Z”. When Matthew told me about the app I could sense that it was something innovative. I was in a bit of shock. I had in the back of my mind the question, “Why doesn’t everyone use such an app?” For me, it was just the most obvious solution.
I get a notification. I pull out my phone. As a recipient, I have access to content 24/7, and as an administrator – I can publish more at any time.
We built the internal communication app along the lines of social media. This also makes employees eager to use it. It is intuitive and associated with something they know well. They are used to this form of receiving and delivering information.
Yes, delivery. Because the app naturally allows working people to leave likes and comments. This is another advantage of it. As an employer, you can not only gain feedback on various content, but also monitor what posts are popular, generate discussions or have many likes.
Quite the opposite of digital signage solutions. They do not allow monitoring of feedback. We don’t know who has read what, what interest there is in a given topic. There is also no possibility to get feedback from people working in the company, their comments, opinions.
Besides, the use of digital signage generates additional costs – maintenance of monitors and electricity to power them. The application, on the other hand, is run on employees’ private phones. You can find more details about how the application itself works here – where we answer the most frequently asked questions about it.
A thread of understanding
Communicating through the app allows you to do this more efficiently. Clarify or provide more information on topics that may not be clear to working people. For example, under one of the posts about salary increases, an employee asked why the company does not provide net amounts, but gross amounts, when, after all, it is the net amount that ultimately goes to the employees’ accounts.
The answer from the employer’s side explained that while gross earnings for individuals are the same, the net amount depends on individual factors such as taxes paid, contributions, etc. The company does not provide net amounts because it is logistically impossible, and not to somehow “trick” the employee into thinking that he or she is earning more than he or she actually does.
That’s right. What about difficult, controversial topics? Won’t employees use the app to complain about the company? After all, there are times at work when topics evoke strong emotions.
Yes, this is true. And I think it is not surprising that where people have the opportunity to express their opinions it is hard to find only positive comments. People have different evaluations, comments, dilemmas. What they want to tell us may not always appeal to us.
However, we are of the opinion that everyone should be given the opportunity to express themselves. Critical comments can also carry value. Instead of suppressing certain problems or simply not being aware of them, it is better to create a space where people can communicate these problems.
Although our clients have published many posts, there has never been any heckling. There are times when topics arouse more emotion. However, even such an emotional discussion can be conducted very professionally by the employer and encourage, for example, a live meeting to discuss the topic in more detail.
What’s on tap?
Now that we know why internal communication is so important for a company, let’s look at what can (and should) be communicated.
Of course, the basis is a variety of communications about the company’s operations. Information about upcoming events, days off, meetings and company activities. This is the place to post about the new canteen menu or the temporary absence of the HR department due to vacation.
Information about company activities is an important part of building internal PR. They help create the image of the company in the eyes of the employee, strengthen the relationship between the employees and the company. This relationship when positive translates into loyalty to the employer and higher commitment. Here we will tell about delegation visits, pro-environmental or pro-social activities of the plant and make anniversary wishes.
However, that’s not all. Worthy of attention is content that, at first glance, may not seem related to the operation of the company. For example, taking care of a healthier lifestyle for employees. Sharing recipes for healthy breakfasts, encouraging flu vaccinations or promoting physical activity. Also taking care of mental health by, for example, promoting relaxation techniques or the recently popular mindfulness.
Even if only some people take such advice, a healthier team means fewer medical leaves, injuries and more energy for work. What follows – happier employees and higher company profits.
The possibilities are many. How about tips on workplace organization or time planning? Publication of inflation bonus information? A space to submit ideas for company changes worth making? How about a workout with exercises for sore backs to do at home? Or an invitation to complete an evaluation survey on job satisfaction.
If you are interested or interested in conducting effective internal communication here you can learn about its pillars.
As I’ve tried to show, good internal communication serves more than just an informational function. It’s the way you present your company, the path to talk to employees and receive their feedback. Internal communication is also a way to deepen relationships with your team and build loyalty.
The number of published posts and comments with our existing clients is already in the thousands. Each week the app is launched about 30,000 times, which amounts to about 360,000 app launches per year!
If you don’t take care of what content goes to them, employees will find other, often less reliable sources of getting this information themselves, such as gossip. Interest in content from the employer among employees does not diminish at all over time – employees really enjoy reading what the company wants to tell them. We believe (and see from the statistics) that this form of communication can significantly increase the perception of the company among employees.
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